Thessalonians 2:12 (NIV)

"... Encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”



He Sacrificed To God

2 Sam. 15:12 – The very first time Ahithophel appears in the Bible, he appears engaged in the act of worship. This indicates that he was a keeper of the Law and a worshiper of the Lord.

He Spoke For God

2 Sam. 16:23 – Ahithophel had the reputation as a man who gave good, godly counsel. In fact, this verse says that hearing a word from Ahithophel was just like getting the word directly from the mouth of God.

He Was A Counselor To God’s Man

2 Sam. 15:12 – Great leaders have always surrounded themselves with good counselors and David was no exception. Ahithophel was one of the men David trusted for advice and direction as he governed the nation of Israel.

He Was A Companion Of God’s Man

Psa. 41:9 – In this Psalm, which looks back on the treachery of Ahithophel’s life, David refers to him as “my familiar friend”. The word “familiar” comes from the same root that is often translated “peace”. These men were at peace on with another. They were as close as men could be. The word “friend” comes from a word that can be translated “great champion or husband”. (Which, by the way, is how my wife sees me!) I think that in using these two words, David is saying, “Ahithophel and I were closer that brothers. Our hearts were wedded together as one and we walked together in peace.” He was a friend to the man of God!
